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  • cindy8756

Like a personal trainer – for Risk & Control

What’s the point of Pebl1? Where can it help you?

There are a few OSMs (“Oh shoot!” moments) we’re looking to help with. Here are two we’ve written for our cyber products that should help show you there is another, easier, way to manage your risks.

OSM #1: The important corporate client

So, it usually goes like this:

  1. Your corporate client will realise their suppliers do something important – like process data on their behalf.

  2. But their reputation and compliance are still on the line, so, if the supplier makes a mistake, the corporate client hits the papers, regulators and ends up in the gutter.

  3. The corporate has thousands of suppliers though. So how do they know the supplier has the right security controls in place? Or any security controls at all?

  4. They send a questionnaire. Usually, a long one.

  5. If you’re another corporate receiving one of these questionnaires, you could forward it to the team that deals with these things.

  6. However, if you’re an SME, your heart may sink at the sight of the questionnaire. You might even start Googling terms immediately. What do they mean by RTO? Do the twelve people in your organisation need an access control policy? And what on Earth is data classification and why does it exist?

  7. You don’t have anyone else to send these on to (because there are only 12 of you), so you might call a specialist, or even a firm, to help you. They’ll charge £’000s. But you really want the client. And there’s no alternative, so you have to do this. Right?


Pebl1 helps here. With a combination of audit, training, guides and materials, all available for a low monthly fee, you’ll have that questionnaire, and others like it, done in no time. You’ll also have a specialist friend you can call if you need it.

OSM#2 – The Breach.

  • It happened. It finally happened. You found out this morning. Your best friend, who runs a company in town, got hacked.

  • The type of hack doesn’t really matter here – she could have been wiped out by ransomware, or someone could have diverted money by getting payment details changed. What matters is her organisation was hacked, and now everyone knows.

  • It could happen to you. You know this. You read all of the stories, but you still don’t know exactly what cyber is. It has a language of its own, and every story, and every fix, is scarier and more expensive than the last.

  • You don’t know here to start. You’ve hired a specialist, and they cost a fortune, but you don’t know where to start, and you’re too afraid of asking what everyone else does in case you look foolish.

Pebl1 helps here. You have a specialist on tap if you need them, so you can ask anything you want. And that’s not any specialist, but a specialist that has done this before, many, many times. You get training, assessments and tools and techniques to build your action plans. You also get a potted programme – a list of what to do every week and every month, and lots of feedback.

It’s like having a personal trainer with their own top-notch gym. But for Cyber. All for a low monthly fee that costs about the same as going to the gym too.

And so...

These are just two OSMs. We’ve heard many more in our travels, and I’m sure you’ll have your own, but I’m sure you get the idea.

By the way, I haven’t said that “Pebl1 will fix all your problems and make you perfect.”

It won’t.

For starters, you have a part to play here. There is also much, much more to managing security than running a plan, checking things, implementing procedures, and assessing risk. And at some point, you have to run a business, not a perfect (but cashless) entity.

However, it will help you get better every day (like working with a personal trainer). Also, your regulators and suppliers will probably want the things Pebl1 helps you with, so it will help win and maintain business. All quicker, cheaper and with better insight than the alternatives.

My sales team will hopefully forgive me. But even if they don’t, join us. Have a go. It won’t cost you much in money and time, and at least you’ll be in control.

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